Terms & Conditions.



Registration is required at least 24 hours in advance except for Drop In classes.

Parents (or an allocated responsible adult) must be reachable at all times during class.    

Doors may be locked during class for security reasons.  Visits (including late/early drop off or pick ups) need to be pre-organized.

No responsibility will be taken for dirty clothes.

We reserve the right to refuse admission to any participant who poses a disciplinary problem or is disruptive.

Studio Hours & Cancellation Policy

Studio hours vary Monday-Saturday and we're closed on Sundays.  If you'd like to meet us at the studio or take a look around, please email or call ahead to make sure we're there!

We reserve the right to consolidate classes, alter class times or cancel class sessions if it does not meet minimum number of participants.  We will contact you at least 48 hours if such circumstances arise.     

We try to accommodate a makeup class for absences when notified at least 48 hours in advance but cannot guarantee one will be available.  In order to receive a full refund for a class pack, series or camp, we must be notified at least 2 weeks in advance. Cancellations for class packs, series or camps less than two weeks to the start date will only be eligible for partial class/camp credit.  “No Shows” are not eligible for refunds or makeups.

Classes are not held on statutory holidays.  We reserve the right to cancel class for an emergency situations but will provide a make-up class to accommodate those students.  

We adhere to the MNPS schedule for inclement weather (i.e. if they're closed due to snow or other inclement weather, we are also closed) unless we state otherwise.  

When possible, we will schedule a make up class for classes canceled due to inclement weather.  If the make up times aren't possible, we will provide a voucher for a free Drop In class for Friday or Saturdays (does not apply to classes that state "Advanced Registration Required" )

* ”No Show” is not notifying via email or reaching someone on the phone prior to the class/camp start time.

Fraudulent Charge Disputes: We will notify you if we receive a fraudulent charge dispute to confirm if it needs to be refunded or if it was an accident (cancelled card, etc.). If it is an accident, you will need to contact your bank to ask them to dismiss the charges to resolve. If it doesn't get resolved by the deadline, you are responsible for the $15 fee for each order disputed in addition to the amount owed for services rendered.

Find us on Instagram, Facebook and/or sign up for our newsletter to find notifications of a Snow Day Camp or the like!

Drop Off/Pick Up

Parking is on the street and in the parking garage (**please be sure to get a ticket from the parking machine in the garage, even for the free 1.5hr).

When dropping off, the adult is responsible for escorting the child(ren) into the Little Art House classroom.

If someone other than a parent or family member is likely to be picking up your child, we must be informed in advance.

Due to the nature of our schedule, kids will only be allowed in 5minutes prior to the scheduled class/camp start time.


Photographs of your child and their artwork may be taken during class for website or other advertising and publicity purposes.
We reserve the right to publish any photographs of children working in class, and or artwork created by the students.
If you no not wish for your child to be photographed, please inform the teacher before the commencement of your child’s first class.